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"The Barrett Ball" Large Rubber Dog Toy L

"The Barrett Ball" Large Rubber Dog Toy L

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Product Description

"The Barrett Ball" was invented by wounded U.S. Army war veteran, James Hayes, and named after his service dog.

  • 100% of all profits are donated to Dogs 4 Warriors, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization providing professionally trained service dogs at no cost to Combat Veterans of all eras suffering from PTSD, TBI, and other combat related injuries. 
  • Virtually indestructible: uniquely formed from one solid unit of natural rubber.  
  • 100% lifetime guarantee.  

The mission of Dogs 4 Warriors is to provide disabled combat veterans with a professionally trained service dog that will provide support, assistance, and guidance through the arduous process of transitioning to civilian life; remembering The brotherhood continues. These service dogs will provide our Veterans with a new outlook on life, and the opportunity to participate in their family’s daily activities, community events, along with social reintegration. Your help provides a loyal “friend” to support their veteran through the difficult ups and downs in a life of continuing healing after combat.