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Plus For Large Dogs 45-88-Lbs - 3 Month

Plus For Large Dogs 45-88-Lbs - 3 Month

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Available in-store only

Available in-store only

Product Description

For dogs 8 weeks or older weighing 45-88 lb.

No prescription required!

Frontline Plus is a monthly topical flea and tick preventative for dogs. Frontline Plus kills 100% of adult fleas on your pet within 18 hours and 100% of all ticks and chewing lice within 48 hours. Frontline Plus contains an insect growth regulator, S-methoprene, which kills flea eggs and larvae. It's effective against all stages of the brown dog tick, the American dog tick, the lone star tick and the deer tick (the major carrier of Lyme disease).

EPA approved product guaranteed from the manufacturer, Merial


Fipronil: 9.8%
(S)-methoprene: 8.8%
Inert Ingredients: 81.4%