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Available in-store only
Wellness Simple Grain Free Natural Limited Ingredient Diet Turkey and Potato Recipe Dry Dog Food is an easily digestible recipe with probiotics and prebiotics. Wellness Simple limited-ingredient diet dog food recipes keep it simple using only a single source of protein and easily digestible carbohydrates, without any extra fillers or additives. Wellness Simple Grain Free Natural Limited Ingredient Diet Turkey and Potato Recipe Dry Dog Food uses high quality Turkey as the first ingredient making this recipe perfect if your dog has certain food sensitivities. This great Wellness Simple recipe also nourishes healthy skin by adding flaxseed to supplement this limited ingredient diet.
What our pets eat feeds the soul and protects the body. That's why Wellness takes carefully selected, authentic ingredients from trusted sources to create an ideal nutritional balance with lean, healthy proteins, probiotics, omega fatty acids, fresh fruits and veggie antioxidants, and vitamins and nutrients. With over 200 varieties of foods with high quality proteins like salmon, beef, rabbit, and duck, in grain-free limited ingredient, dry and wet formulas, Wellness can offer every dog and cat something special and perfect just for them. Using only whole foods, with no wheat, corn, soy, preservatives, artificial colors and flavors, or empty calories, Wellness is the face of a new generation in pet food.
Nutrient | Guaranteed Units |
Crude Protein | 26.0% min |
Crude Fat | 12.0% min |
Crude Fiber | 5.5% max |
Moisture | 11.0% max |
Omega-6 Fatty Acids | 2.8% min |
Omega-3 Fatty Acids | 1.0% min |
Total Lactic Acid Microorganisms | 20,000,000 CFU/lb min |