Available in-store only
Available in-store only
Wellness Complete Health Natural Dry Dog Food, Chicken Recipe, is a healthy, natural Grain Free dog food for adult dogs made with carefully chosen, authentic ingredients for everyday health and provide an optimal balance of nutrient-rich whole foods to fulfill the unique health needs of your dog, providing whole-body nutritional support to promote complete health. Wellness Complete Health Dry Dog Food supports your dog's balanced natural nutrition, healthy body mass, overall health and vitality, optimal nutrient absorption, bone and joint health and digestive health, all with natural and delicious ingredients to provide a guaranteed great taste that dogs love.
What our pets eat feeds the soul and protects the body. That's why Wellness takes carefully selected, authentic ingredients from trusted sources to create an ideal nutritional balance with lean, healthy proteins, probiotics, omega fatty acids, fresh fruits and veggie antioxidants, and vitamins and nutrients. With over 200 varieties of foods with high quality proteins like salmon, beef, rabbit, and duck, in grain-free limited ingredient, dry and wet formulas, Wellness can offer every dog and cat something special and perfect just for them. Using only whole foods, with no wheat, corn, soy, preservatives, artificial colors and flavors, or empty calories, Wellness is the face of a new generation in pet food.
Nutrient | Guaranteed Units |
Crude Protein | 26.0% min |
Crude Fat | 12.0% min |
Crude Fiber | 5.25% max |
Moisture | 10.0% max |
Calcium | 0.8% min |
Phosphorus | 0.6% min |
Vitamin A | 25,000 IU/kg min |
Vitamin E | 200 IU/kg min |
Omega-6 Fatty Acids | 3.0% min |
Omega-3 Fatty Acids | 0.75% min |
Glucosamine | 250 mg/kg min |
Chondroitin Sulfate | 200 mg/kg min |
Taurine | 0.09% min |
Total Lactic Acid Microorganisms | 20,000,000 CFU/lb min |