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Raw Frozen Feline Pheasant Formula Nuggets Cat Food 3-Lb

Raw Frozen Feline Pheasant Formula Nuggets Cat Food 3-Lb

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Available in-store only

Available in-store only

Product Description

Primal Formulas offer the convenience and benefits of a well-balanced, safe and wholesome raw-food diet without having to grind, chop, measure or mix the ingredients yourself.

Primal Pet Foods has taken the time to sustainably source, carefully formulate and lovingly produce a nutritious, human-edible raw diet that is easy for you to serve and delectable for pets to devour. The proof is watching them lick the bowl clean and thrive!

Raw Frozen Feline Pheasant Formula Benefits

  • Fresh pheasant for superior levels of amino and essential fatty acids
  • Finely ground, fresh pheasant bones for optimum levels of calcium
  • Organic produce for food-derived vitamins A, B-complex, C and D
  • Sardine oil for essential omega-3 fatty acids
  • Organic and unrefined nutritional supplements for digestion and circulation
  • Vitamin E as an antioxidant
  • Organic coconut oil for short and medium chain saturated fatty acids
  • Taurine supplement for optimum retinal health